Future of Artificial Intelligence

Future of Artificial Intelligence

Remember that Hollywood science fiction films that we saw during childhood or Bollywood films, Robot ', where the robot could understand human emotions too?
Well, they cannot be 'fiction' for long. Artificial intelligence is the future and as crazy as it may seem, the future may no longer be in our hands - it may be in the hands of our machine! Our mind is focused on developing AI which is taking over faster than we can imagine.

Future of artificial intelligence

A lot of visionaries like Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak, Elon Musk and others have predicted that AI could be dangerous because if machines started thinking better than humans, where would humans are? Frightened?
We have the power to spread everything we have. We need to know where we can draw the line.
It is heavy and exciting - but certainly not scary. In this article, we will discuss some compelling opportunities in the field of AI that were unimaginable in the past.
Google's CEO Mr. Sundar Pichai once said that everything at Google is going to be AI-centric, which could mean AI will create many employment opportunities that require creativity, critical thinking skills, and more Will be.

What is AI?

AI includes machine learning as well as deep learning. Significant progress has been made in both areas. On the one hand, machine learning algorithms are helping businesses to grow, and on the other hand, speech recognition, image processing techniques, and fingerprint patterns are taking the world by storm.
We use gadgets that are intelligent and make our everyday tasks easier. For example, Alexa can remind you about your daily appointments, keep an eye on your grocery list, play your favorite music when you need it, read the news, and even play some mind games! It is like a human companion - which is not human - but has human-like abilities.
There are restaurants where robots serve food to humans - how do they take orders? How do they move and turn and serve food for the right customer?
Self-driving cars. How does the car know about the red signal, the traffic when to move slow or fast, and so on?
More serious business scenarios include spam filtering, product suggestions and personalization of feeds, dynamic pricing (eg during online ticket booking), customization (eg, getting the best route to the destination), sentiment analysis, and more Are included.
To do all of this requires a lot of processes behind the scenes - a lot of data is analyzed, reports are generated, new business scenarios are created and ideas have to be developed.

What is the fuss about Data Science and AI?

For Artificial Intelligence to work, 'data' is predominant. Every single piece of user-generated data has to be carefully examined to identify patterns of behavior, likes, dislikes, trends, and so on. When we interact with another person X or Y, memories of X or Y remain in our brain - we remember their presence, their voice, their expressions, their choice, and more. How does a machine do this?


And what is that data science? Learn more about how AI and data science go hands-on here.

What is the future

To understand what the future of AI is, we need to know the current enhancements and status of AI as of today! The human mind is complex and different people think in different ways. There-
Learners - We are not born with the ability to make choices. We learn from experience - what to eat, what to wear, how to respond to different situations. To be able to develop and think that way, a machine needs to be able to learn, develop, and improve itself like humans.
Reasoners - Reasoning and logic are those that make each human different and the human mind complex. Sometimes, the logic is simple and follows the traditional approach, but for some things, generalizations do not work. Reasoning can be based on experiences, facts, and rules. Machines need to know all this to be able to reason well.
Visionary - A combination of the power of learning and reasoning, visionaries are capable of powering a machine to be able to make decisions and predict, think, and experience.
Linguist - For a machine to interact with humans, it must be able to talk just like humans. Speech recognition software processes are audio in text. Significant progress in speech recognition is a major step towards AI's victory.
All 4 aspects must be linked together in an AI system that can be compared with human intelligence.
As humans, we learn faster, process things even faster with less data, although machines require loads of data to do anything useful. This may change in the future, however.
Let us look at each of the Artificial Intelligence, their current status, and what can be expected from each in the future.

Machine learning

Future of Artificial Intelligence

There has been significant progress in machine learning techniques. Machines can easily solve real-world problems by collecting, analyzing, and processing data from various sources. The ultimate objective of machine learning is for the machine to be able to make decisions without human intervention. Machine learning is useful in education, medicine, search engine results, digital marketing, etc ... There is a lot of scope in this branch of AI as companies rely heavily on machine learning to improve the user experience.
The Google search engine is the biggest and well-known example of this. With speech recognition, image search, translation, and many other features, Google is sure to exploit machine learning to a new level in the future.
Similar companies such as Amazon and Flipkart provide users with personalized experiences based on their likes and dislikes. Their ML algorithms can further help users make decisions to purchase based on their predicted results.

Read or learn to meditate

Machine learning, the extension of deep learning can solve more complex problems and work on a lot of data to create new business scenarios. Self-driving cars, computer vision, phone face recognition, and Facebook (TAG) are some of the best examples of deep learning. Intensive education is yet to be fully explored. Self-driving cars have not yet been given 100 percent trust to users. The recognition and classification of handwritten notes are not far from reality. The future is thus extremely promising and this field of AI requires people with very creative thinking and reasoning.

Natural language processing

Virtual assistants such as Alexa, Siri and Cortana are already changing the way people do everyday work. If instead of analyzing a large piece of data to understand what a user wants, these assistants can find out what the user wants by just asking a few questions, reducing the need to analyze the entire piece of data Can. Such human interaction in a natural language can change the way business is conducted.
NLP can help analyze audio, video, and text data easily and improve data science. Once the recognition of speech improves and machines can understand feelings and emotions, it can become a reality.


Future of Artificial Intelligence

It is the most promising field of AI will make major progress in the future. Robot engineers are constantly thinking of ways to build robots that behave like humans, interact like humans, and think like humans. The future generation of engineers or today's young minds have been interested in robotics since the age of 6-7 and are already learning the basics of robotics. Robotics has the power to change our future in more ways than one -
Education - Humanoid robots are helping students to learn at their own pace and personal learning.
Home - Cloud-connected robots can follow instructions and run washing machines for us, do simple cooking tasks like frying, baking, prepare dinner tables and turn on the fan for us. All these without the constant intervention of humans - just a one-time setup.
Office - In the future, robots may be able to hear voices, recognize and understand various sounds and instructions, communicate on voice commands, and perform simple tasks.
Healthcare - Robots can understand a patient's condition, diagnose their symptoms, provide initial first aid, and have further meetings with doctors.
Your fun companion - Robots can play games with you and interact with you. Virtual reality may very well be discussed for tomorrow.

Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic

There is a lot to be discovered in the field of fuzzy logic. Traditional binary logic is no longer sufficient to control complex processes. Due to the non-linear characteristics of most processes, no particular mathematical model can be applied to every situation. Fuzzy logic controllers are increasingly accepted worldwide, especially with systems that contain unstructured information and require more complex mechanisms to solve problems.

Decision making support system

As humans make decisions, so can computers, which are based on human input. For example, a loan analysis the software can give you an idea of ​​which loan may be suitable for you based on your needs, a stock market app will tell you how much to invest based on market conditions. In the future, these intelligent systems may be able to examine health and detect defects in a piece of machinery, detect new problems and diseases based on currently available information, suggesting improvements to a logistics system Can give and so on.

Jobs and more…

Jobs are going to be many - AI can never replace humans. A machine can think on its own, but it is still based on some instructions that humans give. The smartphone is smart, but still under our control (well, if we use it judiciously).
There is a lot of advancement in the field of AI and the future is also good, provided that we humans can use this technology to our advantage with caution and caution.
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